I’ve never done a yearly photo recap before, so I thought I’d give it a shot. I was going to call these my “12 favorite photos,” but that’s not really what these are. I didn’t travel as much as I usually do in 2020, so I was a bit concerned the variety might be lacking if I just tried to rank the photos with no limitations. So I decided to only choose one landscape from my morning hikes. Choosing one photo from each month also sounded like a good plan to me.
Let’s start with The Texas State Capitol Building shown above. It was my favorite photo from January and one of my favorites for the entire year. I probably could have chosen this crowded Penn Station photo from the last day of January when we had no idea COVID was ripping through New York, but the photo from Austin makes me happier. In February I got a chance to stop at The Sugar Shack in Huntington Beach, CA. March brought lockdowns and a trip to pick up Noah from Boise State University that included a hint of sunset on the East Face of the Sierras. Staging our food to be cleaned before entering the house was very much a thing in April and in May I added a budget “photo studio” to our garage which allowed me to get a couple of decent shots of Keyser and Ripley. My lightest photo month was definitely June, but I loved this black and white succulent image. I tried to step it up in July with a photo project and this image of a red yucca is definitely my favorite of the series. I did a lot of hiking in August and on one morning the sky was kind. There were a good number of fires in the LA area in September, which created the perfect atmosphere for a backlit shot of a flower I really love. October gave me this shot of an empty Pacific Park and November brought a day of remembrance. This brings us to my final favorite from December of 2020, one from my “Very Macro Christmas” series. This image of a snowman decoration just has so much detail I couldn’t resist picking it over our family panorama.
You can scroll through them all below. Here’s to more photo opportunities in 2021!

Thanks, Jeff, some excellent photos.
Thank you, Aunt Jane. Happy New Year!
Awesome shots! Well done!
Thank you, Shawn!
You have an excellent eye, Jeff. Especially like your use of black & white. Makes the image look timeless. Thanks for sharing your art.
Thank you, Jon! Thanks for stopping by.