We had so many great sunrise and sunsets in a row during our rainy January, that I simply didn’t get time to process or post photos from some of the mornings or evenings. This set of photos fall into that category. They also fall into the category of, “thinking the sunset was done, I almost left.” It was time for nature to teach me another lesson.

The weather didn’t seem like it was going to cooperate. The clouds were epic, but the color was not. At least I didn’t think it was going to be. Most of the color was being thrown against the upper layer of clouds behind me, as the photo below shows.

I decided to walk back up the hill and a bit down the other side to get a panorama of the colors that were there. When I got the spot I wanted, the color seen in the first photo above was just starting to form. You can see it in the panorama below.

In the time it took to finish the shots I ended up stitching together, the sky was covered in color. I didn’t want the power lines in the shot though, so I ran back up the hill and down the other side, hoping to get the full bloom of color. It was already receding. Only the color on the edges of the clouds remained. It was stll deep and wonderful, but not “the shot” I was hunting.
This day’s lesson is one I’m taught over and over again – be patient. I may never fully learn the lesson. Time always feels like my enemy.
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