My favorite photos from 2021 are a mixed bag of choices. Some have been chosen because they capture something special, like the image from May of Newbury Park’s Sahlman And Young at Arcadia. That composite image of an epic duel ended up being an early look at what ended up being one of the most amazing Cross Country teams in US High school history.
Some have been chosen more for the memory of the moment, like the one from June of my son, Zachariah, and the Saugus Boys running in one of their final high school practices. Or the image from March that I snapped while exiting Elowin Cabin No. 9 after a weekend near Sequoia National Park. Or the one from November that perfectly captured the Thanksgiving Mood at our house.
And some have been chosen because of the technology. The photo from December is a composite image of a Triple Jump Duel. I’ve created many triple jump composites over the years, but the Sony A1 that was gifted to me allowed me to capture this even from a new perspective. That photo gives me hope for images to come. And so it’s included as well.
I have chosen a photo from each month. You can link to the entire month or to the post about the photo in the photo captions below if you are so moved. 2021 seems to have come and gone too quickly and yet, I’m so happy it’s ending. Here’s to a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2022!